Monday, November 29, 2010


Yesterday I came to know that there is a team of young guys who are working for those people who are ignored and neglected by their love ones because they are not equally fit mentally like them. Is it their fault? Think……… No.  You said right. Then if you are feeling like this why not move forward and join hands with PAKISTAN YOUTH REVOLUTION (PYR) that is helping Fountain House in organising a FUND RAISING DINNER EVENING where Hans Raj and philanthropist singer of Pakistan Abrar ul Haq are invited at Royal Palm Club, Lahore on December 21,2010 at 7.00p.m.

Why do I help them?
  • Spend a day without food, water, and dress and love ones.
  • Spend a chilled night without shelter, warmth and mother.
  • Your family and peers ignore you and your emotions and leave you in lurch. How would you feel?
  • You have no money to buy a Panadol.
  • You are kept away from family for years and years.
  • Your children do not recognise you and behave like strangers because your stammering irritate them.
  • Neighbours begin to label you with disgusting names.
  • Society does not ready to own you because you are not fit in the so-called frame of normality.

I know your soul is shaking and trembling. Yes yes there is a dire need of this feeling that Pakistan is waiting for a long time.
Islam always gives us the lesson of serving humanity, then why are we not doing something for the rehabilitation of mentally retarded people who need love, care, sympathy, tolerance and goodwill. Are we able to give all these rights to poor and voiceless mentally handicapped people?

Pakistan Youth Revolution (PYR) is affiliated with FOUNTAIN HOUSE LAHORE and is striving hard to alleviate the sufferings of mentally ill people of Fountain House.

Fountain House is a ray of hope in darkness and its members are like stars. This House is famous for the provision of best facilities for patients, dedication of doctors and therapists and latest and modern research on Schizophrenia in Asia. Head of the House is renowned and fully committed to his profession and passion.

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